Web Design:



After starting my career in NHS clinical practice as a nurse working with people facing life threatening illnesses; I decided to move into Training & Education in 1993 to inspire, motivate and support healthcare workers in their day to day work.

I spent several years working at London Lighthouse; Residential Centre for people affected by HIV / AIDS, spent some time travelling and returned to my roots in Newcastle upon Tyne.

Whilst working at the Newcastle Marie Curie Centre as their Staff Development Officer I provided Learning & Development strategies for all of the staff & volunteers including coaching, mentoring and training. Although I loved my work with Marie Curie; organisational restructure, and being faced with redundancy provided me with the challenge and opportunity to develop my own Freelance Business. This was something that I had been thinking about for a while and after being Headhunted by a company who quite simply
‘Wanted to buy my enthusiasm’
I felt inspired to take the plunge into self employment.

My clients include:
Stannah Stairlifts, Traidcraft, St. Oswald’s Hospice
North Tyneside Education Authority, NAPP Pharmaceuticals
St. Christopher’s Hospice, London, CHASE Children’s Hospice
RVI & Freeman Healthcare Trust, Macmillan Nurses
Post Graduate Deanery of Medicine, Newcastle
Marie Curie Cancer Care

I love my work & understand all about ‘juggling the many balls’

of life as I am a mother to a tremendous toddler, wife, carer, Company Director, self employed business woman & part time domestic goddess ( with a good sense of humour!!)
My energy, creativity & enthusiasm ensure that my glass is always ‘half full’ and I look forward to working with you!